Wednesday, December 14, 2011

What a WOnDeRfUL Time of Year.......

Can You BelieVe ChrIstMas is next week?  We go at such a FaSt PaCe for sooo many months and then it comes to a Halt with TrAvel and ShOws for about 4 Weeks.  We have oNE more sHOw THIS WEEKEND.   Don't GeT me wrong...I am reAdY for a LiTTLe BrEaK but a PaRt of me NEEDS to be at A ShOw.  I LovE the atmosphere, the people, staging our dispLaY.and being around the THiNgS I LOVE....I could go ON AnD On AnD ON.   I can admit I am OCD and a bit of a Workaholic but It wOrKs for ME!  
So, What will we do with ourself during the BrEaK?.......  ThInK, thInK, think about what to CREATE for MarkEt in JaNuArY......  Go JuNkIn...looking for anything we CAN USE...... SpeNd tIme with my HuBBY watching movies and Chillin' Out.......Go JunKiN Again......Have FuN with LiLliE Grace.....Have SiNus SuRgery.....and when I feel better from that......Go JunKin! 
Before you Know it we will Back At Our shows.
Anyway the past few weeks has been Jam Packed.  The weekend of Thanksgiving we did a show with Kay Weber in Belleville.  She  really gets 'em in there.  After that show we left for Schaumburg, Il.  for Transworld Exhibits....Our set up takes us about 8 Hours for this show.  Here's a few pics.

Once we do get set up we are HuNgRy and ExHaUstEd!

We featured our "BOOT BLING" jewelry in Schaumburg.   So Cute on your BooTs!

One of the nice things about this show is the Hotel.....The Renaissance.
 A sitting area around the fireplace.
A small part of a very very big Lobby.

After this show we were off to Memphis for "ChRiStmas CoTTagE"   We love the South!

They had a Fashion Show and Featured our items.  We styled this little Gal....

 She wore Leopard Hoop Earrings, a Treasure Necklace along with a long Pearl Necklace, a Turquoise and Brown Rag Scarf, Boot Bling, and a Peacock Feather Fascinator.

Another way to wear a RaG scaRf... of our customers in a Peacock Feather Fascinator too!

We met a New FaceBook Friend......Patty from "Kindred Spirit Style"...She designs and makes Hats and Funky Purses with a Vintage Flair.

All in all our Booth was Big and Awesome....we had a GooD ShoW!

Don't Forget to Share our BLOG and FaceBooK Page with YouR Friends....Random PriZeS will be Given AwAy for Help growing our FaCeBooK PaGe! :0) ! :0)  Watch for our announcements on this.

We wish Everyone The Very Bestest, Merriest Christmas Ever....

Have a Great Holiday with Your Family.....Until then....

Peace, Love and Jewelry

We will be at the Fairgrounds in Belleville, Il this Sat. and Sun.  I will be posting our new schedule the first of the year.


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