Wednesday, December 14, 2011

What a WOnDeRfUL Time of Year.......

Can You BelieVe ChrIstMas is next week?  We go at such a FaSt PaCe for sooo many months and then it comes to a Halt with TrAvel and ShOws for about 4 Weeks.  We have oNE more sHOw THIS WEEKEND.   Don't GeT me wrong...I am reAdY for a LiTTLe BrEaK but a PaRt of me NEEDS to be at A ShOw.  I LovE the atmosphere, the people, staging our dispLaY.and being around the THiNgS I LOVE....I could go ON AnD On AnD ON.   I can admit I am OCD and a bit of a Workaholic but It wOrKs for ME!  
So, What will we do with ourself during the BrEaK?.......  ThInK, thInK, think about what to CREATE for MarkEt in JaNuArY......  Go JuNkIn...looking for anything we CAN USE...... SpeNd tIme with my HuBBY watching movies and Chillin' Out.......Go JunKiN Again......Have FuN with LiLliE Grace.....Have SiNus SuRgery.....and when I feel better from that......Go JunKin! 
Before you Know it we will Back At Our shows.
Anyway the past few weeks has been Jam Packed.  The weekend of Thanksgiving we did a show with Kay Weber in Belleville.  She  really gets 'em in there.  After that show we left for Schaumburg, Il.  for Transworld Exhibits....Our set up takes us about 8 Hours for this show.  Here's a few pics.

Once we do get set up we are HuNgRy and ExHaUstEd!

We featured our "BOOT BLING" jewelry in Schaumburg.   So Cute on your BooTs!

One of the nice things about this show is the Hotel.....The Renaissance.
 A sitting area around the fireplace.
A small part of a very very big Lobby.

After this show we were off to Memphis for "ChRiStmas CoTTagE"   We love the South!

They had a Fashion Show and Featured our items.  We styled this little Gal....

 She wore Leopard Hoop Earrings, a Treasure Necklace along with a long Pearl Necklace, a Turquoise and Brown Rag Scarf, Boot Bling, and a Peacock Feather Fascinator.

Another way to wear a RaG scaRf... of our customers in a Peacock Feather Fascinator too!

We met a New FaceBook Friend......Patty from "Kindred Spirit Style"...She designs and makes Hats and Funky Purses with a Vintage Flair.

All in all our Booth was Big and Awesome....we had a GooD ShoW!

Don't Forget to Share our BLOG and FaceBooK Page with YouR Friends....Random PriZeS will be Given AwAy for Help growing our FaCeBooK PaGe! :0) ! :0)  Watch for our announcements on this.

We wish Everyone The Very Bestest, Merriest Christmas Ever....

Have a Great Holiday with Your Family.....Until then....

Peace, Love and Jewelry

We will be at the Fairgrounds in Belleville, Il this Sat. and Sun.  I will be posting our new schedule the first of the year.


Thursday, November 17, 2011

SoUtHeRn ChArM...... in NaShViLLe

All I Can Say is WoW-zA.    "ChriStMas ViLLaGe"  in NaShVille Tennesse is unlike any Trade Show you cAn imagine.  Vendors are from all over.  I should say The BeStEsT of the BeSt is here as far as Trade Show Material............. 

We Hardly EvEr get to ReALLy Look and shop  but YoU CaN'T HeLP but SEE what is ArOuNd YoU and I find myself RuBBeR-nEcKiNg every time I take a bathroom break...(I mean not watching where you are going....nearly killing yourself type of RUBBER-NECKING!)   GOOD STUFF!  
Next to  "ANYTHING ViNtAge" my weakness is......CLOTHES.
We found this Leopard can-can type skirt for our Lillie....after all it is Her Birthday and we DO-LOVE-LEOPARD!

ChrIsTmAs ViLLagE starts on ThUrSday with "SnEEk A PEeK"
ShOppErS pay $35 to Come and Be the FIRST ones HerE.  It is PACKED wall to WaLL from 4 to 9pm.  THEN....
FrIdAy we are ReAdY to Go at it Again.....9am to 9pm. (We were told the FIRE MARSHALL stopped admissions to the show because it was over capacity.......)
After a little sleep we do it ALL OvEr  on SaTuRdAy and SuNdAy. (Bengay?  Icey Hot?  Bio-Freeze?  Advil?)

"SouThErn ChArM" is soooo SwEEt....We have Lots of NeW FriEnds.

 This little Gal....Taylor likes our BoYfRiEnD JaCkEts and of course Nashville is not afraid to style HaTs.

Check out this FasCiNaTor.  Dress it up or DowN...Looks Great on YoU Jenny eVeN in denim!
Mary Elizabeth wears one of our FeAtHeR CLiPS in her hair.  It's cute on a denim JaCkEt Too!
 These pretty ladies LoVeD our Rag ScaRvEs and BoUgHt several CoLoRs.....
Of course there are our famous CharM Necklaces....No TwO ALiKe!  I wish I could have taken more pics but NoT ENOUGH TiMe.
Last year this ShoW was held before the CMA's.  We sold Jewelry that was worn at that show!  ThiS year they were held the NiGhT BeForE  "ChRistMas ViLlaGe"  StArTed but we enjoyed watching the awArDs from Our CoMfy RooM.
ChrisTmas ViLLage is HeLd Every November....feel free to contact us if you need anything in particular.  It's impossible to show all our products online especially since most are one of's.  WaTcH for PrOdUcTs on FaCeBooK.  When We Can......we WiLL Post some New IteMs before a ShOw.

This WeekEnD We WILL be at The Oakley Lindsey Center in QuIncy, Il with CoUntRy TrEaSuRes.  See Us in Belleville, Il ThAnKsGiVinG WeekEnd with Kay Weber Presents....

HaVe A GrEaT ThAnKsGiViNg...EnJoY YoUr FaMiLy...Be SaFe.

PeAcE, Love, and JeWeLry...lots of Jewelry.

Opryland Hotel


Monday, October 31, 2011

Not MIA.......just SuPeR BuSy!

Since we have last talked Jess and I have done Third Sunday Market ...... a Country Treasures Show...... and  The International Gem and Jewelry Show.  Oh, don't let me forget a two day corporate  show in St. Louis as well as getting ready for a yard sale where we sell our old displays we NO longer use.  We  have also designed and made new pieces in between all of this!    Sounds hectic I know but some of us tend to work best under pressure!?!?    Any way that's why I haven't posted the past few weeks.

Most of MY creations come to me whenever I am trying to Sleep.  Those of you that know me know I have trouble sleeping :0(   So  the other night it finally came to me what to do with these items I bought a while back.....

These long NeCkLaCes are made from old gLaSS TeLePhOnE poLe InSuLaToRs and VinTaGe JeWeLry.   The picture doesn't do them justice, they are really cool.

  This NeCkLaCe was made from a ViNtagE brass GLoVe hoLdEr.  (No, it's not a note Holder)  Three of these pretties came on a spindle with a base.  They could be used for holding gloves or hankies.  I decided to dismantle one and came up with this.

Then there is our little lady "Lillie" who loves to dig in JuNk with us.  We LoVe the fact that She LoVeS our StUfF.  She was HeLPing in The GaRaGe Cleaning up our displays for the GaRaGe SaLe in Belleville.  (We SeLL them to DealeRs.)  She LiKes HaTs and decided this LaMpShAdE made a good one!  
I have to agree with Her.....

Did I mention we recently gave away a dozen scarves to one of our Face Book Fans?  Yep we did!
In trying to grow our Face Book sight we offered a contest for our FANS to LIKE our page and share with their friends.  Every time a friend would like us the FANS name went in again. (Your name could go in as many times as your people commented that you sent them.)  At the end of the Contest we drew out a  name and the WINNER was Beth Warner!  Congrats to Beth!

We Will Continue to have give aways for HeLpInG us GeT MORE LiKeS......
AsK your Friends to check out our page....If they LIKE us make sure they comment that you sent them.  We will enter your Name as many times as it is mentioned.  Your Friend can then do the same and play too.  Once we reach 1200 friends (we are now at 541)  we will draw out a name.   

I think a NICE prize would be a custom made ChArM NeCkLaCe or BrAcELEt.  YoU can pick your pieces BiG or SmaLL.....YoUr ChOice :0)
GeT started NOW and Let's see how Long it Takes to get to 1200 LIKES.

Here is our Schedule for the Month of November.....
NoV.  5-6 Springfield, Il @ the Fairgrounds with Country Treasures.
NoV. 10-13 Nashville, Tenn @ the Fairgrounds with Christmas Village.
NoV. 18-20 Quincy, Il Oakley Lindsey Center with Country Treasures.
NoV. 25-27 Belleville, Il Fairgrounds with Kay Weber

Hope to SeE YoU At ThE ShOWs!

Until next time.......
PeAcE, LoVe, and LoTs Of JeWeLrY
xxooxxooxxoo     TjOdY


Monday, October 10, 2011

Very Thankful!

It was a gorgeous drive home today from Spoon River Drive.  I can't believe another year is done.  The weather was wonderful for both fact it got a little HOT!  We have done this show before when it has snowed...sleeted....poured rain....and was freezing.  All of you who are faithful attendees know what I am talking about!

Thanks to EVERYONE who comes out to see are AWESOME.  YOU are the reason we come and WE LOVE YOU!

First off "Zelda" my fave of all the mannequins who I am OCD protective over...took a tumble off the table from a wind gust.  Thanks to her thick Red Hair she sported this weekend She was padded when she fell as is OKAY.

This is me (early in the morning) wearing one of our furry snow leopard hats.  It's cold at 6 am.

Jess has on one of our embellished headwraps.  Isn't she cute.

We sew on these head wraps until our fingers are Raw...
Another cute Hat!  I have this one in Gray/Black.  Nice and cozy and warm.  This gal also purchased one of our Rag scarves. 
Susan and Winnie visited our booth several times.  Do you recognize them?  They are "The Housewives of Fulton County".....Remember you heard it hear first! 

How "SPUNKY" and "CUTE" is she.... and of course one of our INFAMOUS Belts. 
Sold many "BoyFrIeNd" Jackets.  Remember in the 80's when these were kinda country lookin with big doilies and buttons?  We brought 'em BACK....but WE made 'em BETTER... more BLINGY...and way more CLASSY!  

Great to wear with your JeAnS and BoOtS!

Jeanette came back several times to see us too.  She likes to layer NeCkLacEs AND BrAcElEtS which looks GREAT.
Our ladies love OnE oF A kInDs.

Oh, I can't Forget Mom. We saw them last weekend too! Thanks Ladies!

SaSsY, CuTe little GaLs in OUR
RaG ScArVeS.  We make them in multiple colors.
Our Booth was full all day long! 

I took more pics but lost them when I was downloading them to my computer.  Sorry if your Picture didn't show up.  Maybe I can get you NeXt TiMe. 

Thank You Everyone.

Wishing YOU...PeAcE...LoVe...and JeWeLrY.  Lot's of JeWeLrY!
XXOO  Tjody

This next Sunday we will be at Third Sunday Market in Bloomington, Il.  We are inside in the EXPO Building.  Hope to meet you there.


Monday, October 3, 2011

On The RoAd AGaiN..........

There is never a time that we are not busy, but this time of Year is CrAzY BuSy!  I LoVe this Job.....but, it's hard to keep up with.  
Jess and I  design and make almost ALL of our pieces which takes alot of time.  After many sleepless nights  (most of my designing is in my sleep) we then have to find treasures to use. (mostly ViNtagE).....We DO have SevEral PicKers that HelP us.  Thank GOD for them!  
We are only HomE about 3 or 4 days a week.  In that time we work on products to sell in between household stuff that needs done too.  We then pack it all up and Off we go to the next show.......Yes, I do consider us GyPsiEs......but nice GyPsiEs! 
Once we get to where we are going.....we unload from 2 Large VehicLEs.  We have a lot of DisPlay and.... Of course a lot of FabriC.  This is all part of marketing our product.  
This is a portion of our booth space at "Spoon River Drive" this last weekend.  It takes us about 4 hours for this kind of booth.  Some of our shows we work 8 to 10 hours just setting up.  We do what we can the day before and finish up the day of the show.  I LOVE staging our BoOth! 
This time of year we have more fun accessories like scarves, gLoves, fuRrY thiNgs EtC. 

One of our Pretty Ladies in a pretty Hat!
ZeLdA......weaRing a Head Wrap.

We were inside a Big Circus Tent.  I guess you could say we built a house in a house!

I LOVE ViNtAge StuFf.

It's fun to see our customers enjoying our things too!
We truly do enjoy all of you who like our designs and items we personally pick out to sell with our pieces.
We are fortunate and blessed to have the talent it takes to make this
business work and be able to do something we love for our income.  We have made the choice not to punch a 9 to 5 time clock (and be counting the minutes to get off of work) for being a free spirit and doing what we LOVE.
I know we both work longer hours....have sore muscles....get up way to early.....But wouldn't trade it for anything else!  It's awesome to look forward to what you do!!!!
Thanks for following us.........
PeACe,  LOvE,  JeWeLrY 
XXOO  Tjody
This weekend we will be again at Spoon River Drive in Farmington, Il @ Farmington West under the Big Tent.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Give Aways..............

Hey There to EVERYONE who checks in on our Blog.....We announced last week that we want to grow our Face Book PageSo, we are asking for yOuR HeLP!   We HAVE set a goal to reach 500 Friends by NeW YeARs.   
In order to DO that we want You to Share our LiNk with your friends asking them to LIKE our page.  After they Like it they need To comment that YoU sent them.  We will put your NaMe in as many times as you are MeNtioned!!   Plus, They can PLay too!
Why should you do THIS?   Well.....
  • We will post where we will be every month.
  • We will keep you posted on WhAts NEW!
  • We will offer pieces for you to get FIrst CHanCe at.
  • We can give you ideas on what YOU can do.
  • WE will be giving things away......( 1 dozen scarves,  to 1 person who has their name drawn ....the first week of Oct. )  so have YOur nAme IN as Many tImeS as PoSSiBle!
  • We will keep on GiVing through the FaLL Season, because we are ThANKfuL......and
We are JUST PlaiN NICE....

Anyway, we were at"Third Sunday Market" in Bloomington Yesterday and have a good following from there.  Here are a few pics of our Booth.........

We were Busy all day long.....Thanks!

A little hard to see in this picture...... she has a spider on her neck.

A cute little display piece I found at Hobby Lobby.  Expensive piece but what can I say??????
That will be all for NoW......till next time......
PeAce  LOve  JeWeLRy!
XXOO   Tjody