It's so Good to be doing Shows again this New Year. Since I've last posted we have had 3 shows and I must say they have been good for us. EverY NeW YeAr we always wonder how They will be. I guess because we have had a little time off (used for creating NEW) it's like starting aLL OvEr again....Anyway, as usual we have Been Making some New Things for YOU. Thank GOD for the PiCkErS who help us out finding our TrEaSuRes!!!!
EVERYONE who does this business has ThEiR own style. Although we feed off of or get InSpIreD from FasHioN, TrEnds, or DaYs GoNe By....Jess and I work Hard to Come UP with different ways to put it ALL TOGETHER. It's important especially for the shows that we all are different. When you do this for a Living....IT'S A MUST!
WE mostly like to stick with the Larger TrAde ShoWs and of course FLEA MARKETS. Vendors who do this professionally at The TrAdE don't try to copy you. FLEA MaRkEt vendors usually don't make THEIR product unless it's no problem there. When we did a show a few weeks ago our customers who know us kept saying there was a booth trying to look like our booth.......wrapping up a tent in fabric, a hanging chandelier etc......(is kinda like us......don't you think)......DEJA VU!
AftEr doing shows for over 20 years I have had alot of DISPLAYS. I Like this one the BesT. It reflects the VINTAGE GYSPY in us!!!! I think we will keep it a while longer but change it up a Bit and continue to come up with IDEAS for others! (ha ha)
Here we are at Transworld Exhibits in Chicago! Our booth is really BIG...I can't fit it all on my Phone.
Spoon River Drive...outside under a BIG CIRCUS TENT!
Bloomington Il,......3rd Sunday Market
The Festival of the Little Hills....St. Charles Mo.
If you FoLLoW us on FB we are going to try to post some pics for you to purchase products on a more regular basis. Watch for THIS:0)) Like us on FB. Please have your FRIENDS LIKE US TOO!
Here is our schedule for March.
March 9, 10,11 Quincy, Il @ the Oakley Lindsey Center
March 17, 18 Belleville, Il @ the Flea Market @ the Fairgrounds
March 23, 24, 25 Collinsville, Il @ The International Gem and Jewelry Show @ The Gateway Center
That's all for Now, sooo.......Peace, Love, Jewelry...lots of Jewelry!