Thursday, November 17, 2011

SoUtHeRn ChArM...... in NaShViLLe

All I Can Say is WoW-zA.    "ChriStMas ViLLaGe"  in NaShVille Tennesse is unlike any Trade Show you cAn imagine.  Vendors are from all over.  I should say The BeStEsT of the BeSt is here as far as Trade Show Material............. 

We Hardly EvEr get to ReALLy Look and shop  but YoU CaN'T HeLP but SEE what is ArOuNd YoU and I find myself RuBBeR-nEcKiNg every time I take a bathroom break...(I mean not watching where you are going....nearly killing yourself type of RUBBER-NECKING!)   GOOD STUFF!  
Next to  "ANYTHING ViNtAge" my weakness is......CLOTHES.
We found this Leopard can-can type skirt for our Lillie....after all it is Her Birthday and we DO-LOVE-LEOPARD!

ChrIsTmAs ViLLagE starts on ThUrSday with "SnEEk A PEeK"
ShOppErS pay $35 to Come and Be the FIRST ones HerE.  It is PACKED wall to WaLL from 4 to 9pm.  THEN....
FrIdAy we are ReAdY to Go at it Again.....9am to 9pm. (We were told the FIRE MARSHALL stopped admissions to the show because it was over capacity.......)
After a little sleep we do it ALL OvEr  on SaTuRdAy and SuNdAy. (Bengay?  Icey Hot?  Bio-Freeze?  Advil?)

"SouThErn ChArM" is soooo SwEEt....We have Lots of NeW FriEnds.

 This little Gal....Taylor likes our BoYfRiEnD JaCkEts and of course Nashville is not afraid to style HaTs.

Check out this FasCiNaTor.  Dress it up or DowN...Looks Great on YoU Jenny eVeN in denim!
Mary Elizabeth wears one of our FeAtHeR CLiPS in her hair.  It's cute on a denim JaCkEt Too!
 These pretty ladies LoVeD our Rag ScaRvEs and BoUgHt several CoLoRs.....
Of course there are our famous CharM Necklaces....No TwO ALiKe!  I wish I could have taken more pics but NoT ENOUGH TiMe.
Last year this ShoW was held before the CMA's.  We sold Jewelry that was worn at that show!  ThiS year they were held the NiGhT BeForE  "ChRistMas ViLlaGe"  StArTed but we enjoyed watching the awArDs from Our CoMfy RooM.
ChrisTmas ViLLage is HeLd Every November....feel free to contact us if you need anything in particular.  It's impossible to show all our products online especially since most are one of's.  WaTcH for PrOdUcTs on FaCeBooK.  When We Can......we WiLL Post some New IteMs before a ShOw.

This WeekEnD We WILL be at The Oakley Lindsey Center in QuIncy, Il with CoUntRy TrEaSuRes.  See Us in Belleville, Il ThAnKsGiVinG WeekEnd with Kay Weber Presents....

HaVe A GrEaT ThAnKsGiViNg...EnJoY YoUr FaMiLy...Be SaFe.

PeAcE, Love, and JeWeLry...lots of Jewelry.

Opryland Hotel