Since we have last talked Jess and I have done Third Sunday Market ...... a Country Treasures Show...... and The International Gem and Jewelry Show. Oh, don't let me forget a two day corporate show in St. Louis as well as getting ready for a yard sale where we sell our old displays we NO longer use. We have also designed and made new pieces in between all of this! Sounds hectic I know but some of us tend to work best under pressure!?!? Any way that's why I haven't posted the past few weeks.
Most of MY creations come to me whenever I am trying to Sleep. Those of you that know me know I have trouble sleeping :0( So the other night it finally came to me what to do with these items I bought a while back.....
These long NeCkLaCes are made from old gLaSS TeLePhOnE poLe InSuLaToRs and VinTaGe JeWeLry. The picture doesn't do them justice, they are really cool.
This NeCkLaCe was made from a ViNtagE brass GLoVe hoLdEr. (No, it's not a note Holder) Three of these pretties came on a spindle with a base. They could be used for holding gloves or hankies. I decided to dismantle one and came up with this.
Then there is our little lady "Lillie" who loves to dig in JuNk with us. We LoVe the fact that She LoVeS our StUfF. She was HeLPing in The GaRaGe Cleaning up our displays for the GaRaGe SaLe in Belleville. (We SeLL them to DealeRs.) She LiKes HaTs and decided this LaMpShAdE made a good one!
I have to agree with Her.....
Did I mention we recently gave away a dozen scarves to one of our Face Book Fans? Yep we did!
In trying to grow our Face Book sight we offered a contest for our FANS to LIKE our page and share with their friends. Every time a friend would like us the FANS name went in again. (Your name could go in as many times as your people commented that you sent them.) At the end of the Contest we drew out a name and the WINNER was Beth Warner! Congrats to Beth!
We Will Continue to have give aways for HeLpInG us GeT MORE LiKeS......
AsK your Friends to check out our page....If they LIKE us make sure they comment that you sent them. We will enter your Name as many times as it is mentioned. Your Friend can then do the same and play too. Once we reach 1200 friends (we are now at 541) we will draw out a name.
I think a NICE prize would be a custom made ChArM NeCkLaCe or BrAcELEt. YoU can pick your pieces BiG or SmaLL.....YoUr ChOice :0)
GeT started NOW and Let's see how Long it Takes to get to 1200 LIKES.
Here is our Schedule for the Month of November.....
NoV. 5-6 Springfield, Il @ the Fairgrounds with Country Treasures.
NoV. 10-13 Nashville, Tenn @ the Fairgrounds with Christmas Village.
NoV. 18-20 Quincy, Il Oakley Lindsey Center with Country Treasures.
NoV. 25-27 Belleville, Il Fairgrounds with Kay Weber
Hope to SeE YoU At ThE ShOWs!
Until next time.......
PeAcE, LoVe, and LoTs Of JeWeLrY
xxooxxooxxoo TjOdY